
I Ching is made of 64 hexagrams, namely lineal figures consisting in 6 lines – yin or yang. The yin line is discontinuous – -, the yang is continuous __. Each line is assigned a number – the yin line is six, the yang line is nine.

Each hexagram has a title, such us Coming to Meet, After the Passing, The Caldron, The Fire, Dangerous (Abyss) etc. The names refer to various life situations, objects made by man or states of mind.

Each hexagram has a short description named Judgment, which refers to the momentary trend and may be assigned a divinatory advice.

Each of the six lines are further descriptions of different features of the entire life situation evoked by the global hexagram.

To give an example, the following is the hexagram Retreat (#33):

hexagram 33

Name: Thun

Judgment: Thun indicates successful progress (in its circumstances). To a small extent it will (still) be advantageous to be firm and correct.

The explanation of the Judgment: The hexagram suggests a life situation which may lead to success and progress, but it  is advantageous to be firm.

Lines texts: 

1. The first SIX, divided, shows a retiring tail. The position is perilous. No movement in any direction should be made.

2. The second SIX, divided, shows its subject holding (his purpose) fast as if by a (thong made from the) hide of a yellow ox, which cannot be broken.

3. The third NINE, undivided, shows one retiring but bound,–to his distress and peril. (If he were to deal with his binders as in) nourishing a servant or concubine, it would be fortunate for him.

4. The fourth NINE, undivided, shows its subject retiring notwithstanding his likings. In a superior man this will lead to good fortune; a small man cannot attain to this.

5. The fifth NINE, undivided, shows its subject retiring in an admirable way. With firm correctness there will be good fortune.

6. The sixth NINE, undivided, shows its subject retiring in a noble way. It will be advantageous in every respect.

The following is the table of the 64 hexagrams:

table of hexagrams

Please note that each hexagram is made of two trigrams. Therefore in the top raw of this table are listed the top trigrams; on the left, are listed the bottom trigrams.