
I Ching (translated Book of Changes) it is the oldest known oracle. It was consulted  as such by the Chinese sovereigns and princes and was the only book spared from the books arson commanded by the first emperor of China.

Fu Hsi

Fu Hsi with the table of the eight pa-kua (trigrams)

Oracle I Ching is the creation of a mythical being – Fu Hsi – several thousand years ago, to whom the eight trigrams, pa-kua, which form the basis of the 64 hexagrams, were revealed.

Hexagrams are lineal figures composed of six yin or yang lines representing different life situations, symbolic objects or human attitudes.

The book was further elaborated by King Wen and his son Prince Chou, who brought many improvements including the judgments and the line comments.

No less important was the contribution of Confucius, who added his comments to clarify the significance of the judgments.


Hexagram 31

The oracle is also consulted nowadays on topics such as: health, wealth, love, profession, school, any project that needs elaboration, etc.

Consultation is done by two main methods: with coins or yarrow stalks. The later is the best because involves the spiritual elements.

Online applications may be used as well if you have the expertise of the meaning of the answers.

Since the oracle’s answers are formulated in symbolic expressions, it is necessary to call upon the services of the experts to explain their significance.

Start now your online consultation or read further.